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Name a Seat at The Delacorte Theater!

The Public is now undertaking the most significant Capital Campaign in our history to renovate The Delacorte Theater to make it a more welcoming theater for its extraordinary artists and audiences. 


We invite you to name a seat and be a part of The Delacorte’s legacy!

For a gift of $5,000 or more you can make your mark on history and name a seat at The Delacorte Theater.

With gratitude for your thoughtful support, an engraved plaque with an inscription of your choice will be affixed to a seat at the theater for all to see.

We need YOU to help us ensure that we can continue to offer New Yorkers, and ALL who walk through The Delacorte's gates, the gift of exceptional, free theater.

Since our very first performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE in 1962 to the present day, The Delacorte Theater has always been the cornerstone of The Public's commitment to artistic excellence and free access to culture. While the ethos of the theater remains, The Delacorte has outlasted its current facility in almost every measurable way. 

Your involvement in this important project means we can ensure a strong and enduring future for The Public, allowing us to create and present extraordinary free performances and programs for many years come.

We hope that you will join us as, together, we create a more sustainable, more accessible, Delacorte Theater for all of New York City.

Grab your seat today!

Click the link below to give via credit card, or download a pledge form and naming agreement and follow those instructions to donate via check.

You can also contact the Development Office at [email protected] for additional payment options, general seat naming questions, or for information about other ways to get involved in The Public's Capital Campaign.